Each participant must purchase their digital workbook. The workbook cannot be copied and shared.
The digital workbook includes: Weekly video guide to complete each session, weekly homework written by Beth and Melissa, and a group facilitator guide for small or large groups.
The apostle Paul was an extraordinary individual by any measure. From the moment he was introduced to Jesus by name in a blinding flash of light to his final days chained like an
animal in a Roman dungeon, he relentlessly pursued Christ and preached the gospel entrusted to him. Paul’s fervor could not be starved, smothered nor drowned.
No slander nor accusation could sideline him. No beating with rods could silence the melody of his midnight song. The power of the Holy Spirit that first came gently to
Europe in a riverside prayer-gathering soon burgeoned into an earthquake beneath a jailhouse, loosing the chains of every prisoner and dousing a jailer and his household in the waters of baptism.
What kind of mindset makes a person like Paul: unstoppable in love, faith and good works even in a steady flow of frustration, conflict and opposition?
What keeps a person from becoming cynical when people are notoriously exploiting the gospel and preaching Christ out of selfish ambition? Paul’s brief letter to the saints in
Philippi may well capture the mindset that set him apart like no other piece of correspondence from his pen. The book of Philippians is exhortation driven by unabashed affection,
inviting the reader to join in imitating his joyful, single-minded pursuit of Jesus.
Come along with Beth and Melissa in this four-week, five-session study of Philippians. By the power of the same Holy Spirit who took the gospel to Europe by way of Philippi,
discover what Paul magnificently called, The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ.